Mountain Spring Farm
My Horses......
have been a big part of my life since I was about 3 and I finally got my first very own pony at age 9. I am pretty sure that I was asking my parents for a pony from about the time I could talk! I saw people riding horses on TV, likely when my Dad was watching some "Duster" movie" and I knew at an early age that these beautiful, majestic animals would become a big part of what defines me.

Whether you are looking for a sport prospect for yourself or for a youth rider, or are looking for a sport stallion to complement your breeding program, here at Mountain Spring Farm, we will be happy to talk pony with you!
My goal is to produce a top large pony or small horse (14-15 hh) suitable for the majority of adult and youth amateur riders. My equines have family oriented personalities for dealing with the rigors of a one pony/multiple rider home and the conformation to excel in such sport disciplines as combined driving, combined training, dressage, endurance riding, show jumping or the western disciplines.